Q & A

Hi! Please let us know your questions here so we can post them for everyone’s general knowledge! We’re getting excited! The countdown clock is here!

[wptabcontent]How do I find my transfer from the airport to the hotel?

How do I find/arrange my transfer from the hotel to the airport?

How long of a car/bus ride is it from the airport to the hotel?

What time of clothing attire should I wear to the wedding?

What type of weather or temperature is it out in Cancun in November?

What type of activities does the hotel have?

What types of restaurants/food does the resort serve?

What type of attire do I have to wear in the restaurants?

How long of a car/bus ride is it into Cancun?

Is golf included in my package?

Do I need a passport?

Is it important to have “preferred club” status vs. a “standard” status?

What are the extra amenities with our room block?

Do I have to wear a bracelet all week indicating I am in an all inclusive? NO

Will we need extra money in the resort?

Do they take the USD money?

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